Yummy Kale Salad

Wellness after 45

​April 21, 2021

The one vegetable I've eaten more in my forties then I ever did before? Kale! I know, I know, not everyone's favorite, but, once you find a recipe you like...you're hooked! It's great raw, steamed, marinated, and the all time favorite, BAKED! 

Some of my tips include beating the crap out of the kale!  Whether tearing it with my hands or chopping it up poultry scissors in a bowl, if you want to eat it raw, make sure you give it a good bruising.  Using a little salt while you do this speeds up the process. 

Here is one of my lunchtime go-to's. It's quick, simple, and you can even make it ahead of time as the kale will hold up for awhile without getting soggy. 


3-4 cleaned kale leaves, stems remove

1/2 avocado

1/2 large tomato

1/4 cup garbanzo beans

1-2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

1 lemon

1-2 tablespoons of olive oil

salt & pepper


Rip up kale by hand or with kitchen shears in a bowl with a pinch of salt.

Add sliced avocado, tomato, and beans.

Squeeze lemon over salad.

Drizzle olive oil over salad and then toss to combine.

Sprinkle pumpkin seeds and a fresh grind of pepper on top. 

For a second option...swap out the tomatoes and garbanzo beans for a gogi berries for a lighter, sweeter salad. 
